Winter is a tough season for boats, and models are often better off being stored away till spring arrives. However, that doesn’t mean you can just zip up your boat cover and let your model sit in the garage till the winter snow melts. To keep your boat from falling to pieces while you wait for the weather to warm up, be sure to read our important maintenance tips below. 

Inspect Your Boat

Before you place your boat safely into winter storage, you’ll first want to give your vessel a thorough inspection. Check for any corroded parts, damaged cables, or disconnected lines that may need to be replaced. As you inspect your boat you’ll also want to remove any garbage or debris that may be sitting around and remove any items you don’t want to be placed in storage with your boat. 

Wash Your Boat 

After you’ve inspected your boat, we recommend taking some time to wash your model from top to bottom. This means polishing and waxing your hull, and deep cleaning the interior of your model before placing it in storage. If you notice rust or corrosion has appeared on any of your boat’s metal components, be sure to have this repaired or removed before storing your model away for the winter.

Boat Maintenance 

Now that your boat is spic and span, you’re almost ready to zip up your boat cover and tuck your model away into storage. However, before you do, you’ll first need to give the engine a quick oil change, as well as flush and refill your coolant reservoir. Once this is done, add a bit of fuel stabilizer to your tank, and remove your battery to connect it to a drip charger. Once you’ve finished your boat is ready to be placed into storage for the rest of the winter season. 

Having trouble getting your boat prepped for winter storage? Then consider having our helpful maintenance professionals here at Snug Harbor Marina, INC do the job for you! We offer two convenient service centers at our locations here in Ticonderoga and Silver Bay, NY, and we proudly serve the surrounding communities of Albany and Amsterdam, NY as well.