No one likes to be enjoying a sunny day on a boat only to be struck down with nausea, lightheadedness and headaches. Seasickness is the bane of any mariner’s existence, and it can unfortunately strike anyone at any time. Here are a few strategies to prevent it from happening to you or one of your boat passengers.

Eat Light Snacks

It’s not smart to eat too much food while cruising if you’re prone to nausea, but you also can’t starve yourself. Make sure that you’re having some light meals or snacks to settle your stomach and keep acid production down. Ginger ale, crackers, cookies, bananas, applesauce and toast are all good options.

Avoid Boats While Feeling Ill

If you already feel like you’re under the weather, either due to a cold, a bout of food poisoning, or a chronic condition flare-up, try to avoid going on that boat at all! Being sick is going to prime you to feel even sicker and weaker. When you’re fully recovered, you’ll be in much better shape for a boat trip.

Try Ginger or Peppermint

When avoiding seasickness, keep in mind that ginger and peppermint can often help soothe an upset stomach. Consider drinking ginger or peppermint tea or munching on candy that’s full of ginger or peppermint flavoring!

Are you in the market for a boat? Check out the selection at Snug Harbor Marina, INC. We are a boat dealership located in Ticonderoga and Silver Bay, New York. We also proudly serve those in Albany and Amsterdam, New York.